
山口日米協会 設立趣意書


日米両国の関係は、このように深く長い絆で結ばれてきており、それを象徴するかのように全国には31にのぼる日米協会が都道府県単位で設立され、日米両国の親善と交流を促進する活動が展開されておりますが、この度、32番目としての設立に至りました。現在県内各市町レベルでは、岩国市(エベレット市)、周防大島町(ハワイ・カウアイ島)、防府市(モンロー市)、下関市(ピッツバーグ市)で姉妹都市関係の交流が続けられており、 また、山口ノースカロライナ協会のようにノースカロライナ州とのホームステイ交流などが実施されています。 他県のようにアメリカ全体を一元的にカバーする組織がないことを鑑み、日米修好150年という意義ある年に「山口日米協会」を設立し、各団体との連携を図りながら総合的な草の根交流活動を進めたいと考えております。

Prospectus for Yamaguchi Japan-America Society

It was exactly one hundred and fifty years ago that Japan sent its first official mission to the USA. Seventy-seven envoys were dispatched on an American ship in February, 1860. Three days prior to that, the Japanese steamship "Kanrin Maru" left Japan as an escort. Ninety-six men were on board, including the captain, Kaishu Katsu and Yukichi Fukuzawa.

The envoys objective was the ratification of the Treaty of Commerce. While in America, they were received very warmly at every place they visited. They were given opportunities to experience the real America through politics, society and nature. These experiences greatly influenced the development of Japan in later years.

A hundred years later in 1960 the Japan-US Security Treaty was signed. It was the beginning of a new era of Japan-US alliance. Since then the relationship between the two nations has remained firm. One of the ways by which this relationship is symbolized is the number of Japan-US Societies established in 30 prefectures. These societies offer activities to enhance friendship and cultural exchange. 

We regret that a Japan-U.S. Society has not yet been established in Yamaguchi Prefecture. There are a number of sister-city activities at the local level: Iwakuni City/ Evellet, Suoh-Ohshima/ Kauai Island of Hawaii, Hofu City/ Monroe and Shimonoseki City/ Pittsburg. However, there has not been a central organization which focused on Japan and the USA in a larger sense.

This is the reason for establishment of the "Yamaguchi Japan-America Society” (YJAS.) We hope it will serve as an organization which ties together local bodies and enhances and expands the grassroots activities already being conducted.

We would greatly appreciate your understanding and participation.



第1回発起人総会 2010年3月6日
第1回発起人総会 2010年3月6日